Click on the top left corner to view the menu
You can use the mouse for general navigation:
left click to rotate, right click to move, mouse wheel to zoom in/out, double left click to zoom to a point of interest.
“Measurement“ section provides tools for accurately measuring distances, angles, areas, and volumes directly within the point cloud.
Allows you to measure angles between points
Provides the coordinate and position of a point
Provides a distance measurement between points
Shows you the change in height between points
Allows for the measurement of round objects and their radius
Allows calculation of the area
Allows calculation of volumes in a cube
Allows calculation of volumes in a sphere
Allows adding markup and annotations
Clear and reset all measurements
Additionally, The Profile tool allows for the extraction and visualisation of elevation profiles, aiding in the comprehensive understanding of terrain and structures within the data. This is turned off by default, if you would like this information, please contact out team.
“Clipping” section allows you to cut through the point cloud, effectively isolating and focusing on specific regions of interest. This capability enhances the examination of detailed sections within the point cloud, improving data interpretation and exploration efficiency.
“Navigation” section offers a selection of navigation modes and view toggles (left, right, front, back, top, bottom), so, you can navigate and inspect the data from multiple perspectives. Additionally, this section allows you to switch between perspective and orthographic camera projections.
We have extensive experience in all types of work from small, residential surveys to complex, large-scale commercial projects and we specialise in small to medium residential subdivision projects (2 – 650 lots)
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